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11-5-12 Veterans Affairs Commission Minutes


1.      Call to Order: Chair Bernie Corona called the meeting to order at 7:11pm.

2.      Roll Call:
Present: Bernie Corona, Kirk Allison, Linda Carrasquillo, Vincent Parys
Absent: Dominic Fulco, Jr., Mary-Ann Roczynski, Paul Barry, David Whalen
Excused: J. Roger Pelletier

3.      Approval of Minutes:
October 1, 2012  –  The Commission voted to table until the next meeting.

4.      Old Business:
  • Bicentennial Square – No official word received on the status of the project.  Peg Byrnes of Patriotic Commission did have a meeting with the Mayor. Vinny spoke to Police and Fire Depts. and both are willing to lend support to renaming project.  He will try and get letters of support from them.  Other towns have dedicated areas for memorials for veterans and East Hartford should also consider this. The Commission would like to have a joint meeting with Patriotic Commission to discuss before bringing to the Mayor and Town Council for consideration.  Bernie to approach Peg Byrnes chair of Patriotic Commission and try to plan joint meeting for December.  If a joint meeting is agreed upon, the Veterans Affairs meeting for December 3rd will be cancelled.
  • Veterans Day Parade – Discussion on what groups may boycott attendance because of placement in parade.  Vinny and Bernie participated in the parade.  Linda also attended parade to observe the vets positioning in parade.  There were veteran’s units groups up front and they were pleased.

5.      New Business:
  • Bernie passed handouts on: veteran’s benefits.  The Commission also told each other of freebies and discounts for veterans on Veterans Day.
  • Adjournment – Upon a motion by Linda, seconded by Vinny, the Commission adjourned at 7:46pm.
The next meeting will be December 3, 2012 in the Town Council Chamber.

Respectfully submitted,

Tatia Lewis, Clerk
Minutes Subject to Approval